Monday, June 4, 2012

My Last Post

To :  Anyone that visits “The Terrace Housewife”,

     As you’ve probably noticed over the last couple of months, I haven’t been posting much.  I haven’t done a lot of things frankly.  I told myself at first that I was just in a creative rut.  But now….that’s just not the case anymore.

     Since my knee injury & subsequent surgery, life has been totally different. Instead of struggling with normal day to day life of making sure my kids are happy & healthy, I now struggle with myself.

     Depression sucks.  Sucks!

     And because of that, I just don’t have the energy anymore to devote to blogging.  I am using that energy to be a better me & a better Mommy.

     I’ll will miss sharing all my creative projects, and maybe in a year or so, I’ll come back to this forum & share again.

Thanks so much…..
