When I saw that Cheri over at I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar was doing a boys shirt contest, I thought, "Why not".
I had gotten a couple of t-shirts on clearance from Old Navy & thought that I would spruce them up a bit. My first idea was to make a hood & attach it too the shirt {in the pirate pattern}. I cut out the hoodie part & sewed it together, but when I attached it too the shirt, it didn't work. I tried it another way, and again it didn't work. That's when I realized that my hard-sewn hoodie was not going to grace this pirate shirt.
I thought to add more flair to the shirt, I would sew on some red floss over the mouth & then puff paint the eyes & nose.
This is the finished product:
It might not come close to winning a prize, but it won over my boy!! He loves it!
Very cute!! My little guy yelled "HOOT" when i clicked over to your blog :)